Sewn Monsters
To help you Brainstorm I want yo to identify a personal "monster," a trait or external stressor in your life that you see as problematic: what creates conflict or blockages in your life? What sabotages you, or creates unwanted stress? What is an internal trait that you wish you could change? Can you personify that condition or trait into a small sculptural figure?
Can acknowledging this "monster", perhaps even making friends with it, your own 'demon(s)' help you to gain a greater degree of empathy and compassion for those carried by other people?
Ask yourself whether or not your "monster" might turn out to be an ally or a superpower in disguise!
Can acknowledging this "monster", perhaps even making friends with it, your own 'demon(s)' help you to gain a greater degree of empathy and compassion for those carried by other people?
Ask yourself whether or not your "monster" might turn out to be an ally or a superpower in disguise!
Order of Operations |
You will be Graded on |
Think about your design
Draw it first to give yourself a plan Cut Fabric Sew Stuff Sew Take multiple pictures of final product, multiple views Post to weebly and turn in your link |
Effort Craftsmanship Originality |
So now you may be saying; but Anderson, I don't know how to sew.
Good thing I included these Video Tutorials,
because you are going to learn a new skill
that you will be able to use for the rest of your life.
You never know when you may need to sew something.
Good thing I included these Video Tutorials,
because you are going to learn a new skill
that you will be able to use for the rest of your life.
You never know when you may need to sew something.